The Federated States of Ecliptica

The Federated States of Ecliptica are a series of island states on the Ecliptic Archipelago. The states were originally a series of mining colonies established by Primus. As the colonies grew, food provisions sent from Primus became insufficient, and protests were met with silence from the mainland. The islands quickly established their own agriculture and refused to send tribute once they were self-sufficient. Prince Hippomane immediately responded with military force, beginning the Archipelago War. The colonies were outmatched, but fought viciously enough that discontent on the mainland boiled over into a fracturing of Primus, referred to as the Schism. With their power base broken, Primus was no longer able to engage in war and was forced to concede to Ecliptica forming its own nation.

Ecliptica is a loose federation. Most states are single islands, and aside from mandating unrestricted inter-state trade and travel, federal law is very limited. Much of the relatively high defense budget is squandered by corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency, and pirates and smugglers commonly find roost in the nation’s waters. Despite the tense relations being a criminal haven causes with other nations, Ecliptica maintains a solid trade network thanks to its valuable volcanic stone and ores, as well as its exotic island produce.